Lucy Ludlow
Jackson Orlando Massey
Nicolás Feriche Pomés

Where in this process is the reality transformed in such difference that it is becoming something else then the original? What are the boundaries of our way of naming things, and our way of ‘owning’ objects by giving them a name, a definition, a file type.
Same counts for ownership. If I adjust a video shot by Lucy, and I alter it using my own footage but also mixing that with the footage of Nico, and I add sounds that Jackson has made. Am I then the creator of this ‘piece’? Or am I simply a tool that is here to connect images, and are the images and their free access ruling us? Does it matter where i put the boundary between your and my work?
A process based method. Outcome is always unsure, but what you do while you are working towards outcome is equally important, may it even be more important. The learning process, the understanding and the becoming one with what you are working with. Not rising yourself above it, by trying to under- stand what you are doing, but by listening and giving in to the process. This will tell you what to do next, you don’t have to know on forehand.
Sylke van der Heiden
Imagining new spaces through imagery and texture.
Delving deep into the grain of the work in order to question how far the image can be taken, acquiring a sense of rhythm through work that allows us to have a running dialogue with process creating one outcome that informs the next. Through working we question the origin of the image and question our role as maker. Repetition and archival behaviour takes part in the way we interact through process,seeing multiple possibilities in our individual outcomes as well as others. Imagining spaces helps us look inquisitively at internal space vs external space. In these images we deconstruct in order to construct the essence of the in between.
Lucy Ludlow
Seeing the value of art online on its ability to continue to be re- made or re blogged for whatever purposes its network view- er-author find significant, we’ve build a small-scale “internet”, an archive of sound, images, videos, drawings... so they can be remixed or remade and recycled by each of us in the group in a way that we create a big piece, where authorship is shared as a collective rather than one individual. So the result ends up be- ing a solid but dispersed and chaotic piece, just as the Internet is.
Nicolás Feriche Pomés
As a group we consider all different types of digital media to be as valid as each other. Up to 160 years ago all images were produced by artists, now anyone can produce an image video or piece of sound with there smart phone. It could be argued that This accessibility of technology has lead almost to an over- production of digital media, allowing to question the attention span of the act of taking a photo, recording a sound or filming a video, people are now beginning to hoard digital data rather than purposefully capturing or creating it. However the possibilities of living in a post production world , allow for the option of asking what digital data/ media ,weather purposeful or spontaneous , I want to become reality or consider to be valid.
Jackson Orlando Massey

Collaborative piece/research where the process was leading us. Ownership was not a problem, each of us shared our files, and we could alter/edit them in our own way/interpretation.